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Trying to not give spoilers but the first page talks about something doing a specific type of ability damage and then what happens if a different ability is reduced to 0. Is that right?

Thanks you. It was not right. I have just fixed it.

A short, interesting concept. A non-typical dungeon which is not linear. Many random tables, including some that simply build up the mood and tension. Even the rooms are mostly randomly generated.

That said, the scenario looks really tough. The party doesn't need to engage in any combat, of course, but almost every encounter is deadly for 1st-2nd level characters. The main villains are straight-up impossible. 

One more criticism I have (it might be just me) is that while the main goal is to destroy "the well of souls", I cannot find any mention as to where the well is in the area. Is it up to the GM to decide?

I think this one is good to see for the random tables alone. The entries are funny and unique (the hallucinogenic mushrooms that cause you to see double the enemies are my favorite entry. I will use them in my sessions). A solid entry.

Thank you. I have changed room 15 entry to be clearly marked The Well of Souls, rather than just be a description to increase clarity.